Happy Summer everyone!
We hope you are enjoying your summer, even though it’s quite a wet one for sure. Here in New Hampshire it rains most days lately, but we make the best of it. You can still find us working away at our crafts.
Summer solstice has slowed us down a bit, but we are open Tuesdays through Fridays from 9:30 to 5:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 to 3:00. Mondays are by appt or catch us if you can 🙂
Also, we are busy getting ready for the League of NH Craftsmen’s Fair, which will be held in Newbury, NH at the Mt Sunapee Resort. Please stop in to see us at the fair! https://nhcrafts.org
Ok I won’t keep you, but we do hope you’ll stop in and say hi, browse a while, have a commissioned piece made, shop at our studios, etc.
Happy Summer!!! 🙂