Last year, Spring had a heavy heart. We were all so focused on what was happening that we forgot to smell the flowers.

This year, thanks to our vaccination schedule, the mood and outlook are a little brighter it seems.

People are venturing out a little more. And we are too! Cleaning and preparing our building for spring and summer. The events we hope will come. The people we hope to see.

We have miss you all so much!

So stop by, we are open 9:30 to 5:00 weekdays and 10:00 to 3:00 Saturdays. We would LOVE to see you.

For your one of a kind gifts for Mother’s and Father’s Days, graduations, birthdays. Maybe something for you? Classes haven’t started yet, we are hopeful later in the year to be able to offer them. Hopefully..

So stop in and say hi, pick up a little something, or order a custom piece…
