As we begin our summer solstice season, well, the calendar say it is anyway, it hasn’t exactly been warm here in New Hampshire yet. But we aren’t complaining, it’s not snow or ice so we’re fine with it !

Our summer schedule is a bit more relaxed. Mondays you might catch us, or maybe not. We have our “Open” flag that hangs outside our front porch when we are in. So on some Mondays you might catch us, others perhaps not.

The rest of the week we are here! And on Saturdays, from 10-1 we generally have Renaissance Glassworks and possibly a few other artists on site.

Please feel free to always email or text or call any of us that you would like to come and see, and we are very happy to accommodate your schedules when we can.

And please remember to add the Annual League of NH Craftsmen’s Fair to your calendars. The dates this year are August 3-11 at the Mount Sunapee Resort, located at 1398 NH Route 103 in Newbury, New Hampshire.

Renaissance Glassworks at the Fair 2018

As always, thank you for your support and we hope you have a great summer !